About Us
Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church was established in 1975 to meet the needs of Orthodox Christians living in the area who desired an English-speaking parish which would enable them to grow in the faith, enjoying an active, Christ-centered caring community.
From its beginning, the commitment of the community has been to embrace and minister to any and every person that the Lord brought to it. As a result, we are a diverse community. Our membership includes many from non-Orthodox backgrounds as well as many from traditional Orthodox backgrounds: Ukrainian, Russian, Romanian, Egyptian. In the last 10 years, our ranks have embraced immigrants from places such as Eritrea, Ethiopia and Sudan.

In addition, we care for a larger community of immigrants who are struggling to put down roots and find direction in this new land. We covet the prayers of anyone who will intercede on our behalf as we strive to be God’s servants in carrying our His work.
More information can be found on the Canadian Orthodox History Project.